Deep Tissue Massage
Information about...
The deep massage technique is designed to penetrate below the superficial layers of the muscle, making it ideal for treating chronic muscle problems and muscle tightness or tightness. Due to its technique it is very indicated to release deeply all the accumulated muscular tension, especially in people that generate muscular load by situations of stress throughout the time. It is also very useful in athletes who accumulate certain degrees of muscle tension as a result of their training work.
This type of massage is not for everyone if during the session appear pains or discomfort that bother the recipient is necessary to end the session. It is not recommended for those people who by their physical condition or age do not turn out to be tolerant to this technique. People who suffer from osteoporosis or believe they suffer from it shouldn’t be subjected to it.
Why is this type of massage different from others?
Most massage techniques are focus to produce a state of relaxation of the superficial muscles. The massage of deep tissue is directed mainly to the deep layers of the muscles, to those that are part of the base of the corporal statics, that’s why it produces a state of deeper and lasting relaxation.
How long is this massage session?
The duration of a session varies according to the problem consulted, although a general massage session can be done in approximately 45 minutes, depending on the body size and the muscular tension that the person presents.
Deep Tissue Massage at Home
For all people who need a deep tissue massage in order to relax and lengthen the musculature of the deep planes. All the people that need to treat chronic muscular problems or that drag an injury as a consequence of some muscular, tendinous or joint trauma. Sportsmen who need to put all their muscles in order to maintain themselves in an ideal way to compete.